17 April 2017
If you sold your house and must move to a small apartment while you wait for your new house to be built, you will need to rent a storage unit for space by visiting sites like http://www.i-70selfstorage.com. Your new apartment may not be even close to the size of your current home or new home, and there is probably no way you will be able to fit everything you own in it.
14 April 2017
During the winter months, you don't want to put your construction project on hold due to the freezing temps. Fortunately, there are a number of heating solutions available to fit the needs of most any worksite. Whether you are working in a small, enclosed space, your construction site is wide open, or you're dealing with solid, frozen ground and need a quick thaw, here are just some of the options available so you can narrow down which one to rent for your project.
11 May 2016
If you recently lost a loved one who opted to be cremated, you may be wondering what options there are for memorials and for remembering him or her. In fact, cremation opens up many different opportunities for honoring someone's passing. Here are several different options you can consider to remember your loved one. 1. A Custom-Crafted Urn Although the crematorium may provide you with a beautiful urn as part of the cremation package, a custom urn is a great way to truly honor someone who has passed away.